On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 09:13:20AM -0500, Brian Clark wrote:
> No one finds it odd that one can't check a single signature? 

I find it strange... :)

> I've given up, and just set
> pgp_verify_sig to ask-no, but I have to hit Enter twice when entering a
> message. I'd rather set it to 'no' and set pgp_verify_sig with hooks for
> _specific_ people, then use some command to check individual signatures

Then I sugest you to use: 

macro pager \cv "<enter-command>set 
pgp_verify_sig\n<exit><display-message><enter-command>unset pgp_verify_sig\n" "Check 
PGP sig"

it works excelent, but I thought somebody on this list could give me
better solution - looks like there isn't any.



   _.|._ |_  _.  |  Adam Byrtek, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  (_|||_)| |(_|  |  gg 1802819

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