* Jeremy Blosser ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 24. 2002 18:34]:

> On Jan 24, Brian Clark [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:

> > OK, maybe I'm not getting something about GnuPG and/or Mutt's
> > interaction with GnuPG, then (Nope, not being sarcastic here). If
> > I set this thing to verify all signatures, and I have my keyserver
> > settings in place, every single key that I verify is being added to
> > my keyring. Is this not undesirable by most people?

> I suspect you mean the key for every message you verify the signature
> for is added to your keyring... having keys you verify on your ring is
> really expected behaviour, I think.

OK, I've seen a plugin for a Windows client that verifies the signature
(grabs it from the keyserver) and displays the results, but doesn't add
it to the keyring unless you specifically tell it to. 


> I don't think anyone who has responded to this thread has indicated
> that what is there now should always be adequate, but until someone
> has the time and care to write the patch to fix it, the suggestions we
> make are the best we can do.

Oh yes, and I *am* grateful. I do not have the C skills nor the time at
the moment to contribute such a patch, but when that time comes, I would
very much like to. I thank you all for your suggestions!

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right.

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