* Will Yardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [09-Tue-01 01:56 -0700]:
>Denis Perelyubskiy wrote:
[ snip ]
>that's precisely the answer i was looking for. thanks.
>(and just out of curiosity is there a way to do the same
>with the keypad when numlock is off? i think that's a
>different issue as i understand it, but i was wondering if
>there's a cheap and dirty workaround as with the
>xterm-cursor keys)
actually, i am not too sure..i haven't tried. however, these
seem to work for me, so i wonder if it is in fact the same
problem. could it be that you have to play with the kPageUp
and kPageDown?
sorry, no go :) .. you could either go to
groups.yahoo.com/group/vim and try searching, or perhaps
even consider subscribing to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) .. there are definitely people there
who are much more knowledgeable then i am
>> <plug>
>> ps. vim 6.0 is coming out soon. you should definitely
>> upgrade. in addition to all the neat features it has, it has
>> this filetype plugin thing. you invoke vim with 'set
>> ft=mail' and it goes and reads mail.vim in specified
>> directory. you dont have to pass long string of options
>> anymore, and can use the same file for news/mail/etc
>> (even betas are *mostly* stable)
>> </plug>
>of course you could always do something like:
>set editor="gvim -f +'/^$/+1' -U .mutt/gvimrc"
>(my specific example)
>set editor="vim -u .mutt/vimrc"
>anyway, no? wouldn't that do pretty much the same thing?
oh sure. its just that that new feature provides this
"uniform" way to handle filetypes. in addition to what i
mentioned above, that feature will auto-detect filetypes,
like c/c++ (even muttrc if you so like, i think :) and still
execute those files.
but of course, it seems that here, is vim just being ... vim
: there is about a 1000 ways to accomplish the same thing :)
// mailto: Denis Perelyubskiy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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