On Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 09:46:52PM -0700, Will Yardley wrote:

> so this:
> > adsfdasf adsf asdf adsf asdfl kjlkjkljk 
> > adsf lkjkljkadfs adslf
> > adf adfs adfs test test test
> (gqip)
> turns into:
> > adsfdasf adsf asdf adsf asdfl kjlkjkljk > adsf lkjkljkadfs adslf > adf 
> adfs adfs test test test
> instead of having the quotes preserved.  i'm invoking vim with the same
> options as far as i can tell.
> is there something obvious i'm missing here?

I am not sure how to invoke vim, or what options I use that would affect
it (read: I know of no options I have set to change the default
behavior), but I use 'gqap' to format the current paragraph.  Works a
treat, even with quotes... (I love 'gqap' BTW.)

> and (i can't resist)... one more quick vi / vim question.  is there a
> quick way to make the arrow keys work the same in insert mode and in
> command mode?  right now i get 'A','B','C' and 'D' instead.

Hmmm, don't use them?  :)

Let's see... you get 'A', 'B', etc, in insert or in command mode?  I
can't reproduce either situation with 5.8 (std debian(x86) potato
package here).  Perhaps it has something to do with your terminal/OS.
Looks like 5.8 works though?  

good luck!


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