sorry in advance for the vim question, but i'll bet someone here knows
the answer :>

i have a copy of mutt setup in my home directory on a shell account that
i don't have root access for.  i also installed vim 5.8 here since their
version of vim is old.

i'm using vim 5.8 here (use 5.6 on most of my other machines i think).
with vim 5.6 if i type 'gqip' quotes are preserved, but on the machine
with 5.8 (ok i just checked on my work machine and with 5.7 too) it
ignores the quotes.

so this:
> adsfdasf adsf asdf adsf asdfl kjlkjkljk 
> adsf lkjkljkadfs adslf
> adf adfs adfs test test test

turns into:
> adsfdasf adsf asdf adsf asdfl kjlkjkljk > adsf lkjkljkadfs adslf > adf 
adfs adfs test test test

instead of having the quotes preserved.  i'm invoking vim with the same
options as far as i can tell.

is there something obvious i'm missing here?

i have this in my .muttrc:
set editor="/home/will/bin/vim +'/^$/+1' -c 'set nohlsearch'
+':set textwidth=72' +':set wrap' +':fixdel' +':set t_kD=^V<Delete>' 
+':set noai' +':syntax on'"

(long line split up here)

and (i can't resist)... one more quick vi / vim question.  is there a
quick way to make the arrow keys work the same in insert mode and in
command mode?  right now i get 'A','B','C' and 'D' instead.



Sintax error in config file! (line 378)

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