Denis Perelyubskiy wrote:
> you should've been sorry if you were using emacs :)


> try 
>    :help xterm-cursor-keys
> and you shall most likely find your answer

that's precisely the answer i was looking for.  thanks. (and just out of
curiosity is there a way to do the same with the keypad when numlock is
off?  i think that's a different issue as i understand it, but i was
wondering if there's a cheap and dirty workaround as with the
xterm-cursor keys)

> <plug>
> ps. vim 6.0 is coming out soon. you should definitely
> upgrade. in addition to all the neat features it has, it has
> this filetype plugin thing. you invoke vim with 'set
> ft=mail' and it goes and reads mail.vim in specified
> directory. you dont have to pass long string of options
> anymore, and can use the same file for news/mail/etc
> (even betas are *mostly* stable)
> </plug>

of course you could always do something like:
set editor="gvim -f +'/^$/+1' -U .mutt/gvimrc"
(my specific example)
set editor="vim -u .mutt/vimrc"
anyway, no?  wouldn't that do pretty much the same thing?


Sintax error in config file! (line 378)

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