On Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 09:46:52PM -0700, Will Yardley wrote:
> i'm using vim 5.8 here (use 5.6 on most of my other machines i think).
> with vim 5.6 if i type 'gqip' quotes are preserved, but on the machine
> with 5.8 (ok i just checked on my work machine and with 5.7 too) it
> ignores the quotes.
> so this:
> > adsfdasf adsf asdf adsf asdfl kjlkjkljk
> > adsf lkjkljkadfs adslf
> > adf adfs adfs test test test
> (gqip)
> turns into:
> > adsfdasf adsf asdf adsf asdfl kjlkjkljk > adsf lkjkljkadfs adslf > adf
> adfs adfs test test test
> instead of having the quotes preserved. i'm invoking vim with the same
> options as far as i can tell.
This behavior is controlled in part by the 'comments' option, the
default value of which is:
The "n:>" element tells the gq command to treat ">" as the beginning of
a comment. Perhaps the value of the 'comments' option is being changed
in your vimrc or in a system vimrc.
Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Spokane, Washington, USA
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ |