* Will Yardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [09-Mon-01 21:49 -0700]:
>sorry in advance for the vim question, but i'll bet
>someone here knows the answer :>
you should've been sorry if you were using emacs :)
>and (i can't resist)... one more quick vi / vim question.
>is there a quick way to make the arrow keys work the same
>in insert mode and in command mode? right now i get
>'A','B','C' and 'D' instead.
:help xterm-cursor-keys
and you shall most likely find your answer
ps. vim 6.0 is coming out soon. you should definitely
upgrade. in addition to all the neat features it has, it has
this filetype plugin thing. you invoke vim with 'set
ft=mail' and it goes and reads mail.vim in specified
directory. you dont have to pass long string of options
anymore, and can use the same file for news/mail/etc
(even betas are *mostly* stable)
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