* Thomas Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001027 07:53]:
> On Thu, Oct 26, 2000 at 10:20:44PM +0200, Juergen Salk wrote:
[Home and End keys not working within mutt running in gnome-terminal]
> # this describes the alpha-version of Gnome terminal shipped with Redhat 6.0
> gnome|Gnome terminal,
> bce,
> kdch1=\177, kf1=\EOP, kf2=\EOQ, kf3=\EOR, kf4=\EOS,
> use=xterm-color,
> and I don't see khome listed in the corresponding infocmp output (which I
> expect is an omission on my part). What $TERM and infocmp do you have?
This sounds like you're on the right track. $TERM depends on how you
invoke gnome-terminal. There is a "--termname" command line option
that determines the $TERM environment. The default is $TERM=xterm, but
I have also tried $TERM=gnome.
In gnome-terminal:
| juergen@anna:~ > echo $TERM
| xterm
| juergen@anna:~ > infocmp
| # Reconstructed via infocmp from file: /usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm
| xterm|xterm terminal emulator (X Window System),
| am, bce, km, mc5i, mir, msgr, xenl,
| [...]
| kdch1=\E[3~, kend=\EOF, kent=\EOM, kf0=\E[21~, kf1=\E[11~,
| [...]
| kfnd=\E[1~, khome=\EOH, kich1=\E[2~, kind=\EOs, kmous=\E[M,
| [...]
<Ctrl>-<v> <Home> gives:
| juergen@anna:~ > ^[[1~
<Ctrl>-<v> <End> gives:
| juergen@anna:~ > ^[[4~
So, as far as I understand there seems to be an inconsistency between
the PC style code from xterm's terminfo and the vt220-style actually
used by gnome-terminal.
Now, I'll try another run with "gnome-terminal --termname gnome":
| juergen@anna:~ > echo $TERM
| gnome
| juergen@anna:~ > infocmp
| # Reconstructed via infocmp from file: /usr/share/terminfo/g/gnome
| gnome|Gnome terminal,
| am, bce, km, mir, msgr, xenl,
| [...]
| juergen@anna:~ > infocmp | grep khome
| juergen@anna:~ > infocmp | grep kend
| juergen@anna:~ >
So, there is indeed no khome and no kend listed in the infocmp output,
as you already noted.
Finally, I ended up with "gnome-terminal --termname vt220", which
- surprise, surprise - makes Home and End keys working in mutt, but
unfortunately lacks color support.
I have to apologize if I'm beating this to death, but I have to admit,
that I don't feel terribly familiar with all these terminfo stuff.
So, is there a way to use mutt in gnome-terminal with Home and End
keys working *and* with color support?
There is another issue that came to my mind while writing these lines:
Wouldn't it make any sense to add some internal translation tables to mutt
(like those in vim or tin) to make mutt's key bindings more independent on
the terminal emulator it's running in.
Best regards - Juergen.