how do i get my numeric keypad working in mutt? i'm using helix gnome on a debian woody system, running mutt from inside the gnome terminal. if I have numlock on i get numbers at the bash prompt, but not inside of mutt. (mainly to use it for quicker entry of message #'s in the index view) thanks. -pete -- (peter.royal|osi) - "god invented turn signals for a reason" uin#153025
- Re: numeric keypad not working? kiss the sun and walk on air
- Re: numeric keypad not working? Thomas Dickey
- mutt in gnome-terminal (was: Re: num... Juergen Salk
- Re: mutt in gnome-terminal (was:... Thomas Dickey
- Re: mutt in gnome-terminal (... Juergen Salk
- Re: mutt in gnome-termi... Thomas Dickey
- Re: mutt in gnome-t... Vincent Lefevre
- Re: mutt in gno... Thomas E. Dickey
- Re: mutt in gnome-terminal (... Juergen Salk
- Re: mutt in gnome-termi... Thomas E. Dickey
- Re: mutt in gnome-t... Juergen Salk