> Someone sent me his gnome terminfo from the RH7 ncurses rpm package,
> which seems to work out-of-the-box for me.

ok (I'll have to check & see)
> > Basically, you would have been able to use the 'gnome' entry I wrote,
> > except for a subtle detail: I coded the keys that you are looking for so
> > that ncurses would retrieve them as the vt220-style KEY_FIND/KEY_SELECT
> > rather than what mutt is sayin KEY_HOME/KEY_END.
> I've also tried your gnome terminfo from the ncurses-5.2 tarball.
> As far as I understand, this route would require patching mutt's 
> keymap.c, because these key mappings are hardcoded, right? 

something like that - there doesn't seem to be a clean way to do this
if there is more than one keycode associated with the same string.

Going the other way (multiple strings per keycode) is something that I
added to ncurses a while back.
> --- keymap.c.orig     Sat Oct 28 17:40:27 2000
> +++ keymap.c  Sat Oct 28 17:45:03 2000
> @@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
>    { "<Delete>",      KEY_DC },
>    { "<BackSpace>",KEY_BACKSPACE },
>    { "<Insert>",      KEY_IC },
> -  { "<Home>",        KEY_HOME },
> -  { "<End>", KEY_END },
> +  { "<Home>",        KEY_FIND },
> +  { "<End>", KEY_SELECT },
>  #ifdef KEY_ENTER
>    { "<Enter>",       KEY_ENTER },
>  #endif
> Hmm, what would you think about adding vt220-style support as a 
> compile option for mutt's 'configure' or better as a configuration 
> variable for .muttrc or still better as a command line option?

maybe (I don't do much work _on_ mutt, but am offering advice for people
with problems related to ncurses and the terminfo database).  Perhaps
a configuration variable (mutt doesn't seem to have conditional statements
in its configuration).
> Best regards - Juergen.

Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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