On Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 10:55:26PM -0400, kiss the sun and walk on air wrote:
> how do i get my numeric keypad working in mutt? i'm using helix gnome
> on a debian woody system, running mutt from inside the gnome
> terminal. if I have numlock on i get numbers at the bash prompt, but
> not inside of mutt. (mainly to use it for quicker entry of message #'s

that's because the X modifiers don't predefine numlock, so unless the
emulator makes a special check for it, it's not properly supported.
I added checks in XFree86 xterm last year, and that works reasonably
well (breaks of course if one tinkers with xmodmap or the key translations).

The XFree86 xterm supports ANSI color and VT220 emulation
There's an faq at

Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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