* Thomas Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001026 18:42]:
> On Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 10:55:26PM -0400, kiss the sun and walk on air wrote:
> > how do i get my numeric keypad working in mutt? i'm using helix gnome
> > on a debian woody system, running mutt from inside the gnome
> > terminal. if I have numlock on i get numbers at the bash prompt, but
> > not inside of mutt. (mainly to use it for quicker entry of message #'s
> that's because the X modifiers don't predefine numlock, so unless the
> emulator makes a special check for it, it's not properly supported.
> I added checks in XFree86 xterm last year, and that works reasonably
> well (breaks of course if one tinkers with xmodmap or the key translations).

Let me pick this up for a related issue that seems to be a 'never ending
story'. I am using mutt in conjunction with gnome-terminal, because of
it's build-in URL support. (I really can't get used to
urlview, which this tears the URLs out of the written context
of the messages.) 

However, I could not manage to make the Pos1- and Home-keys working 
within mutt running in a gnome-terminal. This problem seems to be 
related to mutt, because Pos1 and Home both work e.g. in tin and vim
running in a gnome-terminal but not in mutt.

Could anyone shed light on this for me, please?

Best regards - Juergen.


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