John Franklin [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Is there a support graphic a la "Netscape NOW!" that people could put
> on their home pages? I didn't see anything on the site.
> Then again, I didn't see ANY graphics on the site.
Sven has one on his site, so does Brandon Long; I dunno who originally had
it. There are also several versions of the 'little dog running around' bar
out there.
I don't go for unnecessary images that bloat pages, but these two are
prolly worth working in...
> 88x31 seems to be a common size for such things, but I've seen them
> a little bigger. SETI@Home's is 90x32, for example.
Sven's is bigger than that but I'll prolly play with resizing it down to
Here's something else I may work in (with the author's permission) ...
found it in the /. comments:
Ode to Mutt by Trick ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
When I'm stuck, or in a rut, Or been dumped by some worthless slut;
My boss has made me bust a nut, Or I've got stress pains in my gut;
Some aliens have probed my butt, Or I've just had my jaw wired shut;
I've got a nasty paper cut, Or anchovies from Pizza Hut;
I've missed an easy golfing putt, Or feel as dead as old King Tut;
I still stand proud, my jaw I jut, I don't have much, but I have mutt.
Yay mutt.
Jeremy Blosser | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
"Would you fight to the death, for that which you love?
In a cause surely hopeless ...for that which you love?"
-- D. McKiernan, _Dragondoom_
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