On Thu, Jul 15, 1999 at 03:02:54PM -0500, Jeremy Blosser wrote:
> A lot of the pro-Pine comments were "I can use it with telnet", which
> obviously is not something just Pine has (duh).  So if it's just inertia
> (and we care), then maybe some advocacy needs to be done.

Is there a support graphic a la "Netscape NOW!" that people could put
on their home pages?  I didn't see anything on the mutt.org site.
Then again, I didn't see ANY graphics on the mutt.org site.

88x31 seems to be a common size for such things, but I've seen them
a little bigger.  SETI@Home's is 90x32, for example.

John Franklin
ICBM: N37 12'54", W80 27'14" Z+2100'

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