On Thu, Jul 15, 1999 at 11:18:45AM +0200, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
> > "Alex, I´m honest -- Outlook is very good and totally fits my
> > needs... so - why do you use mutt?"
> * to show my individuality
> * because I can randomize my signatures with it
> * because I'd like to be able to read my mail even when N$ crashes
> * because I'd like to answer fast
> * I'm a keyboard person
> * I'd like to know that there is source I can use if things go amiss.
> * Modularity
"because mutt is very good and totally fits _my_ needs." :-)
Chris Tilbury, UNIX Systems Administrator, IT Services, University of Warwick
PHONE: 024 7652 3365 / FAX: 024 7652 3267 / MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]