Alexander Langer [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Can you give me reasons why to use mutt instead of Outlook Express,
> that I can tell my friends here?

- standard compliance (if they care; if they don't you have another lecture
  to give them ;)
- very accessible remotely on slow modem lines -- read your mail *anywhere*
  without the insecurity of web based mail
- much faster (compare deleting 3000 messages in Mutt to 1 in Outlook: Mutt
  is 'tag-pattern, pattern, delete tagged, zip zip done', Outlook is 'slowly
  repaint the screen with spiffy animation')
- no stupid reply formatting
- it doesn't crash if you sneeze
- threaded display and thread collapsing
- configuration, configuration, configuration!
- if they are on mailing lists, the mailing list handling must be mentioned
- you can easily access all the headers and define your own
- OE requires you run Windows somewhere.  Mutt requires you run Un*x
  somewhere.  Un*x > Windows.

Jeremy Blosser   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
"Would you fight to the death, for that which you love?
                   In a cause surely hopeless ...for that which you love?"
                                             -- D. McKiernan, _Dragondoom_

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