On Wednesday 03.03.1999 Daniel Eisenbud ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > lists mutt-users
> > save-hook '~C mutt-users' =mutt-users
> >
> > The ~C means that messages sent to or carbon copied to mutt-users should
> > go into =mutt-users.
> This is not the optimal answer, though (I could have told you this much
> off the top of my head in the first place, but I knew there was a better
> way, I just forgot what it was.) See David DeSimone's post for an
> answer that doesn't require a save-hook for every list.
Thank you. I didn't find this so quickly (Hadn't read the index_format
section in the manual so far).
Now, mutt-0.95.3 does all the things again I got used to.
D i r k F "o r s t e r l i n g
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ******** http://www.DeathsDoor.com/milliByte/
"Was für Sie schwer ist, ist für mich leicht, und was für mich leicht
ist, ist für Sie schwer." - R.K.