On Tuesday 02.03.1999 Daniel Eisenbud ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >
> > P.S.: Somwhow I was removed from the mailing list without further
> > notice. Do you dislike question-asking novices and upgraders that hard?
> Take a deep breath. Nobody here is out to get you.
Okay. Thank you very much for replying after this one. I'll try to be
a little more patient in future.
> I saw your question, didn't know the answer off-hand, meant to look it
> up later, and forgot. Remember, answering mutt questions isn't
> anybody's job here, so sometimes something slips through the cracks.
This seems to be an upgrade issue, too. Some time ago, every question
produced LOTS of answers on mutt-users.
> The best way to deal with this is to ask again, nicely. I'm glad you
> figured out the answer, if you even wanted to post it here, for others
> who may not know (I still haven't had a chance to figure out again, for
> instance) that would be helpful, too.
You will see it here.
> You probably got unsubscribed from the list because your mail was
> bouncing at some point. It happens. I'm not sure that you are
I'm not aware of some bouncing or the like and I didn't receive any
error message. So, I don't know how to prevent this yet.
D i r k F "o r s t e r l i n g
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ******** http://www.DeathsDoor.com/milliByte/
"Da trennt sich dann die Spreuzen vom Wei!" - D. W.