Dirk Foersterling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You probably got unsubscribed from the list because your mail was
> > bouncing at some point. It happens. I'm not sure that you are
> I'm not aware of some bouncing or the like and I didn't receive any
> error message. So, I don't know how to prevent this yet.
My previous ISP was rather unreliable with mail. My mail would
sometimes bounce for random transient failures, and of course the system
wouldn't notify *me* that it bounced one of my messages. If it knew how
to get mail to me, it would've simply sent the mail through to me
without bouncing, right? So the only way I could ever find out about it
was when friends would tell me that my mail was bouncing. It simply
appeared to me that I wasn't receiving any mail at the moment.
So, while I can empathize with your situation, I can't offer any
solution, other than to bother your ISP and ask them to look into the
mail logs and found out why mail to you bounced during those certain
David DeSimone | "The doctrine of human equality reposes on this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | that there is no man really clever who has not
Hewlett-Packard | found that he is stupid." -- Gilbert K. Chesterson
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