On Thursday 18.02.1999 Dirk Foersterling ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm trying to upgrade from mutt-0.79 to mutt-0.95. The Changelog doesn't
> seem to reach that far back...
> I got used to mutt's behaviour of saving read messages from mailing
> lists. If I received a mail from a list, then the save-message function
> (in conjunction with save_name set) saved it to a file named after the
> list name. For example, every mail that was sent "To: mutt-users@.." got
> stored in =mutt-users.
> With mutt-0.95.3, this seems to be impossible. Is it?
Sorry to anger you. Thanks for ignoring me. You failed on a question
that turned out to have a simple answer. However, it took me two weeks
to find out how the actions taken by the mutt-0.79 "lists" command can
be simulated with mutt-0.95. A simple pointer to what passage of the
manuals I should review would have been enough. Too late. Or did really
nobody know the answer?
P.S.: Somwhow I was removed from the mailing list without further
notice. Do you dislike question-asking novices and upgraders that hard?
D i r k F "o r s t e r l i n g
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ******** http://www.DeathsDoor.com/milliByte/
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