
First and foremost, I'd suggest to read the documentation. Some of the
issues you mention aren't actually bugs; they're intended that way or

On Mon, 2005-02-14 at 13:24, Gordan wrote:
> 1) I can use xawtv to display the picture, but it tends to skip a lot. 
> Almost like the card is skipping interrupts - except that it sometimes 
> gets stuck for 30+ seconds at a time. I've tried two different slots to 
> remove this issue, and it didn't seem to make much difference. I'll try 
> the other two slots later and see if that fixes the problem.

This may indicate a very poor source input. Could that be true? If not,
are you running NTSC or PAL?

> 2) When using mplayer to view the live stream, using:
> mplayer -tv driver=v4l:device=/dev/video0:input=0 tv://
> I get this error:
> ioctl set picture failed: Invalid argument
> 3) xawtv capture also doesn't seem to work. It, too, complains about an 
> invalid ioctl when trying to capture, but not when trying to view the 
> live stream.

This is not a driver bug; it's a hardware "bug". This should be in the
FAQ, but it's not. Search for 'zoran' and 'bigphysarea' on google,
you'll find it soon enough. The hardware is not designed for this. It
cannot do it.

> 4) lavrec seems to be capturing a MJPEG stream, but there encoded stream 
> seems to be corrupted. It is all blue, and at full PAL resolution, the 
> video stream seems garbled, as if it is being displayed in strips that 
> should be below each other, but have been misaligned, as if the sync 
> signal was wrong. At lower resolutions (either set using the geometry 
> option or the decimation option), the stream doesn't seem to be garbled, 
> but instead seems to be cropped (rather than scaled) to the top left 
> corner of the stream.
> I am not sure if this is a decoder problem, because I can only play it 
> back using "mplayer -vo x11". Not sure what the default output is 
> (SDL?), but my graphics card seems to have problems with it - the 
> display window is just blank blue.

For blue: then SDL (or, actaully, Xv) is buggy... As for mplayer, it'll
only play the top field for full-PAL movies, so only -d2 will actually
work fine. As for the --geometry option, see man lavrec: it's not what
you think it is.

> I _THINK_ that the zoran/DC30 driver seems to be broken in some way, 
> because I can use all the same software without any spurious ioctl 
> problems using my cheapo bt848 based card, and that works perfectly 
> (apart from the fact that the frame rates are quite poor without 
> hardware compression).

I think I need to update some of the docs... ;).


Ronald S. Bultje <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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