For _that_ I just burn the iso/udf image out to a DVD+RW ;)
But then you have to re-rip it. Boooring. :-)
Do I NEED seven computers? Heck no. But, I still have them. :-)Nor do I (well, a couple of 'em are PDP-11s so video encoding is, uh, just slightly out of the question :)).
Me and my 'leet dumb terminal have been put to shame.
I'm more accustomed to talking to folks who are pinching every penny when it comes to computer equipment - it's quite refreshing to find someone that's not looking for the absolute cheapest system/equipment.
I have those too. My ogg jukebox PC is a bunch of dustbin parts + a VGA->TV converter and a decent soundcard w/ TOSlink out. It just doesn't make much sense to use crappy stuff if you want to do high-end tasks.
ANYTHING can be justified as a hobby of course. As you mention, some go for boombox cars while others go for computers. But why limit yourself to mere dual Athlons? Being a hobby a quad or eight way system should be on the list of things to get :)
Well, first I need to get my "DV workstation" up first (needing the RAID array and an ADVC-100). Then I can decide it's too slow and buy more.
I would have gotten it already, by my mother dropped by and was poking at the springs protruding from the back of my couch. So, the $2000 in the "computer fund" just went for an all leather dual recliner sofa and matching reclining chair. So the RAID array got put off until after Christmas.
Haven't tried SATA yet. Primarily because I've stocked up the
older parallel versions (with rebates the drives were almost being
given away)
Hell, they still are. If I weren't insisting on SATA, and instead went with old ATA, it would only cost half the price (mainly because 3ware RAID controllers can be had cheaply on ebay for old ATA, but not for SATA, because they're too new.)
and partially because I wasn't sure if new(er) drivers in the kernel would be required to support the SATA adaptors.
The ICP ones look just like their old ones. I don't know about the 3ware, but considering the website says that there's linux support, I would think so.
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system than I ever would have done by using Windows.
-- Neal Stephenson, In The Beginning Was The Command Line
~~ Matt Caron ~~
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