Ah, ok - I thought that might be the case but wasn't sure (it doesn't make a lot of sense to do RAID-5 for video capture that
I can see ;)).

- speed (okay, simple striping can do that)
- space (ditto for simple striping)
- redundancy - Sure, you might not need it for video capture, but there's other stuff that you might want to put on there just for safekeeping (such as the iso's of the DVD's you're burning). Backups are still expensive - at work, we're spending more on tape drives and tapes (SDLT drives, 160GB native capacity - $3200 for the drives, $80 per tape) than we did on the servers (ballpark of $3000).

        A 200GB drive holds a *lot* of DV data (almost 16 hours).  It took
        quite a while to encode it all as you might imagine ;)

Thus justifying the need for an Athlon cluster in my basement. :-)

(no, I don't have a cluster. Hell, I don't even have a basement. But hey, I can dream, can't I?)

        I think RAID is overkill for DV capture.  RAID is needed for the
        more raw IYUV capture mode (where the data rate can get up to
        10-12MB/s) but not for DV.

Heheheheee. :-) Now you're in for it. :-P

Wait, this is the "you don't NEED a 400+GB RAID 5 array" argument. But, I live in the US. Since when does need justify anything in this country? Do I NEED seven computers? Heck no. But, I still have them. :-)

My brother spends his money on "pimped" cars with "phat" sound systems, so "his car's got bump, yo". Different styles, different toys. :-)

        Put the system/OS on one disc and the capture disc on it's own
        IDE channel and away you go.

Yes. 1 drive/channel. Might be a good time to invest in a SATA controller.

BTW - is anyone else unhappy with the SATA plug design? I've already broken one of those cables. You'd think they would have made it more solid, like out of metal or thicker, like firewire.
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-- Neal Stephenson, In The Beginning Was The Command Line
~~ Matt Caron ~~

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