On Mon, 22 Sep 2003, William R Sherman wrote:

> The primary intent was for a Raid-0 filesystem with higher throughput

        Ah, ok - I thought that might be the case but wasn't sure (it 
        doesn't make a lot of sense to do RAID-5 for video capture that
        I can see ;)).
> Now, (thanks to this group -- more flattery) I'm using the Canopus
> ADVC-100, and I'll probably stick with that (or a similar) solution

        Nice, "cute" (and tiny) thing isn't it?   Best money I've spent
        in a long time.

> on the new system.  So, I'm willing to adapt my thinking if it's
> a waste of effort to do a RAID-0.  Would a Raid-3, or Raid-1 setup
> be beneficial?  Or would I lose too much bandwidth to even do DV?
> And, was there a consensus on the disk bandwidth necessary for
> both mjpeg cards vs. DV?

        Sort of ;)

        DV is ~3.5MB/s (and that includes the 48k PCM audio).  End of
        discussion - it's not variable so it's easy to calculate the 
        discspace needed.   Works out to about 12GB per hour.   Not
        variable at all.   You could do raid-5 at that rate if desired ;)

        A notebook drive can handle DV's requirements (indeed, a friend
        of mine does captures via a Canopus and Cardbus IEEE1394 card
        when the family is using the main system)!
        A 200GB drive holds a *lot* of DV data (almost 16 hours).  It took
        quite a while to encode it all as you might imagine ;)

        I think RAID is overkill for DV capture.  RAID is needed for the
        more raw IYUV capture mode (where the data rate can get up to
        10-12MB/s) but not for DV.

        Put the system/OS on one disc and the capture disc on it's own
        IDE channel and away you go.

        Steven Schultz

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