On Sun, 6 Jan 2008, Richard Stallman wrote:

>    I don't think OpenBSD users understand what you mean by "recommend
>    non-free software",
>I explained it earlier in this thread.
>                       so if you could, please, give an example by
>    showing where OpenBSD (web-site?) says that it recommend non-free
>    software and the URL.
>In OpenBSD the recommendation for certain non-free programs
>is in the recipes for installing them.

IMO, a big part of the problem here is that when you say "recommend" in
this context what you actually mean appears (based on the discussion
here) to be something that most people would express as "not
deliberately erect barriers against".

If you were to consistently express yourself using the common
definitions of words rather than your own perverse definition of
"recommend", I expect that most of this discussion would end.


Dave Anderson

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