> In OpenBSD the recommendation for certain non-free programs > is in the recipes for installing them. >
Oh, no URL? I could ask someone to find a specific URL, but why take the trouble? The OpenBSD developers have acknowledged that contains ports for non-free programs. There is no dispute about that question. In gNewsense the recommendation for certain non-free programs is in the _inclusion_ of such non-free parts in their distribution You have not presented any evidence that there are non-free programs in gNewSense. If you could supply the URL of one, that would really change something, because the gNewSense developers would get rid of it. My supplying the URL or name of a non-free program's port in OpenBSD would do no good, because the developers are happy to have such ports and would not remove it. I am not going to spend the time, or ask someone else to do so, just for an idle request. If the OpenBSD developers were to undertake to remove such ports, then I would get you some names.