On Jan 5, 2008 8:51 PM, Karthik Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pardon me for intervening:

Its alright :-)

> http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq13.html#javaflash tells the user how to
> get these things into a clean OpenBSD system.
> I am sure that it doesn't include the words: "Zomg! you have to use it
> and we highly recommend it" but _every_ OpenBSD user is encouraged to
> read the FAQ and as a consequence ends up reading these sessions.
> Maybe they should come with the kind of dubious warning signs we get
> on cigarette packs: Use of non-free software is highly harmful to your
> computer and ethics.

Please Ask RMS to put it in the softwares on the FSF software list.
He is the one who started it all!!
Its bad you didn't cc him.

> On a more serious note: everybody who criticizes the other of non-free
> software must come clean first: No clean, no talk.

Again this is typically what you must have said to RMS and not to misc@

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