there is that. still, over the last 15 years or so, I have seen a vastly
higher number of windows machines infected by "defective users". repairing
those installations was always a nightmare (especially when the user wanted to
retain all data). in all that time, I saw, at most, a handful of macs with an
issue involving malware.  Now that the iOS and OS X platforms are starting to
acquire a majority of the market, I expect there to be a lot more problems
(and also see a greater number of those defective users).

anyway, the users are primarily responsible for their systems. if they can't
handle it, the n they need to sell off the machine and start collecting books.
until they do, I continue to make a small amount of money over their panic.


On Jul 28, 2012, at 2:56 AM, Florenz Kley wrote:

> On 28 Jul 2012, at 00:03, Eric Oyen <> wrote:
>> (though there is a much smaller percentage of dumb mac users than
> windows).
> Bollocks. Attributes in large enough populations tend to follow the normal
> distribution. There is a smaller number of Mac users overall, and therefore
> smaller number of mac idiots. Don't let that fool you into thinking the mac
> users are smarter in general. They are not, trust me, I'm one.
> fl

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