>btw, I hope no one minds if I plug OpenBSD's website in the subject. this is a
>method of trying to get the site back up to better rankings in google.

AFAIK, and few _really_ know, Google rankings use an acyclic graph with 
cumulative "credibility" weights. Say a NY Times article points to a web site 
then that site will benefit from its "creds", more so if other so-called 
reputable sources point to that article. From Google's early patents, subject 
categories are extremely fine-grained so a popular home cooking site won't have 
the same effect on technology.

There's also Google Analytics, which until recently was supposedly separate 
from search, but neither Calomel nor OpenBSD use that sneaky piece of spyware.

Google works furiously to prune false-positives from fraudsters and push down 
noisy aggregators such as marc.info so I doubt spelling Calomel backwards or 
codenaming it "the IT unicorn" has much effect.

What definitely works is using swear words and other "offensive language" that 
default search settings block. Luckily that's generally the case when someone 
mentions Calomel here; in fact the entire list is probably considered lewd 
material. So it's okay to mention Calomel if you add how that it's just 
mind-boggling "how much cock that guy manages to swallow".

So kids, remember to brush your teeth and be rude :)

-- p

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