a lot of people get sucked into the scareware (al la cleanmypc, macdefender, etc.). most of them don't understand (or want to) how their machines operate. to them, its a black box. Usually, they just install anything that sounds zippy to them and then end up spending lots of money to get back to where they were. Even Mac users aren't amune to this (though there is a much smaller percentage of dumb mac users than windows).
One of the advantages to OpenBSD (and other unix like systems) is there are few pieces of malware floating around out there. Thanks, in large part, to Theo and his development team, we are blessed with one of the most secure operating systems possible (outside of the very occasional exploit or dumb user mistakes) because of this, I would rather burn 300 watts/hour running a firewall machine that I have total control over than one of those cheap commodity router devices (the ones you can get at wal-mart or best buy). btw, I hope no one minds if I plug OpenBSD's website in the subject. this is a method of trying to get the site back up to better rankings in google. -eric On Jul 27, 2012, at 2:20 PM, Ted Unangst wrote: > On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 22:51, mxb wrote: >> On Jul 27, 2012, at 8:41 PM, Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado wrote: >> >>> Calomel is ranked 2 on google >> >> >> There is must be a reason why this kind of sites exists. >> Ppl whom take care of www.openbsd.org documentation/FAQ maybe have to take a >> look and pinpoint what is missing? >> For some reason ppl refer to those sites than openbsd.org. > > Because people want their computer to be more faster. If the FAQ had > a section on more faster, people would still search for a site to make > their computer be more more fasterer.