On 07/26/12 03:04, Peter Laufenberg wrote:
Everytime you follow a non official documentation, you waste your time
and the developer's time, we're not cranky about "calomel" only, we're
cranky about people following unofficial documentation, remember, our
FAQ and manpages are accurate 99.99% of the time and they are pretty
well written and complete.
90% of the time the problem is finding the right man page. F.ex. the FAQ starts 
with pppoe(8) which leads to the gigantic ppp(8) and you're shit out of luck if 
you read all those only to find out pppoe(4) is what you really want.
apropos (1) - locate commands by keyword lookup

# apropos ppoe
pppoe (4) - PPP Over Ethernet protocol network interface
pppoe (8) - PPP Over Ethernet translator

If you can't figure it out by reading the FAQ/manpages: you're either
not ready for it, or we have a documentation bug.
"Not ready" as in "young Skywalker?"

That's bullshit; Google's pagerank means more people are linking to Calomel, period. If googling a 
problem is considered "crass" or "lazy" then remove google site search from 
openbsd.org. Remove grep while you're at it, let newbies earn their OpenBSD creds by reading source 
code. What is this, a fucking fraternity?

You've got a bug alright: Calomel keeps on popping up despite being wrong, its site 
designed by a flaming unicorn, scripts made mostly of ASCII-art and useless comments to 
reinforce the genius of its egomaniacal self-jizz-gobbling writer -- and the conclusion 
is that the problem lies with that site, or people being stupid, lazy or "not 

-- p

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