zippy to them and then end up spending lots of money to get back to where they
were.  Even Mac users aren't amune to this
(though there is a much smaller percentage of dumb mac users

there are just less mac users. They are not be average smarter.

One of the advantages to OpenBSD (and other unix like systems) is there are
few pieces of malware floating around out there.

few? can you name one?

Thanks, in large part, to
Theo and his development team, we are blessed with one of the most secure
operating systems possible (outside of the very occasional exploit or dumb
user mistakes) because of this, I would rather burn 300 watts/hour running a

joules per hour or watts. not watts/hour

Great OS. But Great OS still need educated admin, or will be very unsafe.

btw, I hope no one minds if I plug OpenBSD's website in the subject. this is a
method of trying to get the site back up to better rankings in google.

If it is needed at all.

Properly made site using static HTMLs, proper keywords and normal clear linking methods between parts just got indexed great with google.

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