On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 05:36:38PM +1000, David Diggles wrote:
> The calomel phenomenon is fascinating!
> I was calomeled.
> Those who have been calomeled have done the following:
> 1. lazily google: "openbsd tuning" (or similar)
> 2. click on: "Network Tuning and Performance Guide (OpenBSD) - Calomel"
>    (currently ranked 2 on google)
Calomel is ranked 2 on google because it has been linked several hundred
times from this list. Google doesn't know about good/bad opinions or
flamewars. Google only cares about the "reputation" of the origin of the

Also tens of mailing list archives include the links. So, the OpenBSD
community is the SEO of Calomel. Ironic but true.

> 3. lazy and in a hurry to get "it" working, apply stuff from calomel
> 4. lazily email misc without first searching marc.info, referring
>    to the calomel recipe and asking further questions
> While calomel has the high rank in google, this keeps repeating.

Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado http://juanfra.info

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