Yep, you got it.

​>>  There are also spamtrap operators that accept mail on mistyped
domains (for example the shady no-name "" operators),
in which case it's basically unavoidable that there will be some hits
(due to the
sheer amount of domains that can be mistyped) that likely feed
some mystic engine.

I wonder if that's what happened. I couldn't find any 'distinctive'
bounce messages, the most I found was one that a user sent by mistake
to , a typo of, which bounced.

Hopefully that's not what caused it but I see nothing else.


On Thursday, 19/12/2024 at 06:42 Taavi Eomäe via mailop wrote:

On 19/12/2024 02:41, L. Mark Stone via mailop wrote:
> Also, again, no disrespect, but I don't see anything wrong with the
DNSBL's suggestion for you to grep your logs for undeliverable
outgoing messages within a certain timeframe.  Seems sensible and
quite helpful as they've given you a specific timeframe in which to
search, and a specific bounce message for which to search.

An arbitrarily picked timeframe can not be proportional to the size of

the operation. The volume some send out in a day, others send in a

You also assume there's a bounce message, that might not be the case. 
Especially if we're speaking of UCE, some users of that list accept
first few letters (probably for sampling purposes) then later list

There are also spamtrap operators that accept mail on mistyped domains

(for example the shady no-name "" operators), in which

case it's basically unavoidable that there will be some hits (due to
sheer amount of domains that can be mistyped) that likely feed some 
mystic engine.

Spamtrap operators being vague can lead to really kafkaesque processes

to figure out what happened and who the culprit is, if it even was an 
actual culprit and not just some random human mistake someone was 
eventually guaranteed to make.

> And if that suggested grepping exercise yields a very large number
of results, doesn't that also inform that some changes in how your
users use your system are likely called for?

Tell customers that some spamtrap operator thinks we have too many and

should downsize to make logs more searchable?

That sounds a bit goofy. I've also seen a few that think they should
able to dictate the shape or form your PTR records have, which is 
equally goofy.

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