On 14.09.22 11:24, Renaud Allard via mailop wrote:
On 9/14/22 10:57, Alessandro Vesely via mailop wrote:
     * Stop blackholing.

That one is the absolute worst of the worst of the worst. Blackholing is something that _MUST NOT_ be done, ever, for whatever reason. There is never and has never been a good reason for blackholing. If you don't like a mail, give it a 5XX error, never accept it. When you have accepted a mail you MUST deliver it.

FWIW in Germany it's against the law to not deliver an email after you have accepted it. (Not sure if it made it to EU law yet…)

Even spamfolders are a grey area unless you make sure your user is not only using POP3 to access the mailbox.

Thomas Walter

FH Münster
- University of Applied Sciences -
Corrensstr. 25, Raum B 112
48149 Münster

Tel: +49 251 83 64 908
Fax: +49 251 83 64 910

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