On 9/13/22 3:33 PM, Jim Popovitch via mailop wrote:
Right, that's why I have said repeatedly that it is not super easy.
It's not hard to do, it's just not super easy.

I agree that it's not easy by any stretch of the imagination.

I dare say that it's more on the hard end than I'd like to admit.

Try writing down all the things that you've done and would need to re-do if you were to build a mail server anew to comply with the same standards that you're complying with now.

I suspect that you might be mildly surprised in hindsight of all the things that you have done. It would probably take 15 minutes or more to mention what needs to be done with at most one sentence description per thing so that someone not skilled in the art might have an inkling of an understanding.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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