
On 05.02.21 17:23, Andrew C Aitchison via mailop wrote:
> Would it be useful to include a link in each email header, similar to
> List-Unsubscribe: and relatives, but unique to each message sent,
> so that recipients could give similar feedback to the sending service ?

You can not trust users to identify spam. "I don't want emails from my
aunt twice a week.", "I don't want to receive this subscribed newsletter
anymore, but I don't bother to unsubscribe", ... all these are "SPAM!"
these days.

Also receiving multiple abuse emails per week from Microsoft because
users can not differentiate between "Junk" and "Trash" (if only because
of language issues) really made me mistrust that system.

Thomas Walter

Thomas Walter

FH Münster
- University of Applied Sciences -
Corrensstr. 25, Raum B 112
48149 Münster

Tel: +49 251 83 64 908
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