Inspired by the two exchanges quoted below:

GMail (and presumably other ESPs wit web frontends and mail apps)
has a "report spam" button for human's to ...
report individual messages as spam, which I belive is fed back into
the spam-classifier.

Would it be useful to include a link in each email header, similar to
List-Unsubscribe: and relatives, but unique to each message sent,
so that recipients could give similar feedback to the sending service ?

Sure, it will be gamed, but I'd hope that was easier for an AI
to spot in volume than for it to classify spam/not-spam.

On Fri, 5 Feb 2021, Hal Murray via mailop wrote:
Brandon Long said:
If you received say... a million emails a day, how would you handle that?

How much would it help if there was a machine readable format for
spam reports?  What would you want in such a report?  Are comments
like "sent to a spamtrap" or "harvested from usenet" or "repurposed
from xxx" helpful?

How often do you need more than just a copy of of the spam?  For
example, if the spammer rotates his server address, it may have
moved between when I looked it up and when you look it up.


On Fri, 5 Feb 2021, Marcel Becker via mailop wrote:
On Fri, Feb 5, 2021 at 4:38 AM Michael Orlitzky via mailop <> wrote:

Pay more and more people to do it, until the number of unhandled abuse
reports at the end of the day is zero. It scales linearly.

So you would gladly pay thousands of people to deal with abuse reports
which are, well, not actually abuse reports. And a lot of them. I wouldn't.
For the sake of the sanity of those people alone.

Andrew C. Aitchison                                     Kendal, UK
mailop mailing list

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