On Wed, 31 Oct 2018 at 14:58, Ken O'Driscoll via mailop <mailop@mailop.org>

I wouldn't expect freemail addresses to get a pass anywhere.

OK, good to know - I assumed Gmail did a reasonable job of outbound spam
filtering and therefore were likely to have reasonable rep. I had been
considering using my own domain, but had assumed sending through an
established inbox provider would be better.

> Does the problem still occur when you use the Gmail web interface directly
> as opposed to though an MUA? Can you categorically rule out mailpile being
> the cause?

Mailpile does seem to be the trigger, but I cannot see anything terrible in
the messages it is sending. Only real quirk is sending multipart/mixed with
only a single part if you are not signing or attaching keys (which I'm
not), but that is specifically allowed by spec.

As I said, all tests run against targets using spamassassin / rspamd find
nothing objectionable. Oddly, all deliberate tests run against targets
running O365 (i.e., *not* recipient domains I contact on a day-to-day
basis) have been OK as well, apart from one from a custom domain that got
greylisted for a few hours.

The only thing I can think of is that by changing MUA, I have triggered
some algo that sees that as impersonation, or something.

At some point I will try mutt & Thunderbird and see if that elicits the
same response. Wanted to let things "settle" for a few days first though.

You mention that your address is in their address books, you may also want
> to try and get them to place it in their Safe Sender lists as those tend to
> have more weight.

OK, thank you - I have never used Outlook/Exchange/O365 so had no idea this
was a separate thing.

> It is also possible that the recipients in question have created a specific
> local policy which is interfering with your email. You'll really need to
> speak to somebody in their IT depts. to see if this is the case.

Thanks, I am still trying but sadly people don't seem to see email
deliberability as important these days, even from people who are actually
their clients / service users. I am sensing lots of shoulder shrugging :(

> The alternative is to send through your own domain via G Suite (or similar)
> then you'd completely rule out the freemail factor.

I have run a few tests with my own domain and Mailpile, and seem to be
hitting the same issues - but didn't know how much of that might be down to
being a new mail source (I have my own DKIM key, but am sending through
Gandi - also don't know what their IP rep is like.) That rather seems to be
multiplying variables :)

I do appreciate this input on this - it's driving me crazy! Not a fan of
this modern world with its algorithmic overlords..

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