Hey Tim,

No I don't use a braille display, can't read it.In visuals, the VO tab is 
selected. Show VO cursor is checked, Magnification of VO is set to 1 So it 
looks like everything is set correctly, might be just one of those VO quirks I 
have going. So strange that I was able to remove the first mailbox I wanted to, 
but after that it stopped working. I removed it using the keyboard VO shift 
command space and then heard the scratching noise, and it worked fine, when I 
went to remove the drafts mailbox is when it stopped working. Thanks again,  
On May 31, 2013, at 12:12 AM, Tim Kilburn <kilbur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hmm.  Nothing there should be causing any issues related to mouse movement.  
> The only things I have different is that I check both the "Allow Cursor 
> Wrapping" and "Skip Redundant Labels" but I can't see how that would affect 
> anything.
> • Do you have or use a Braille display?
> • In the Visuals section of the VO Utility, Caption Panel checked or not 
> check?  Touch pane, what's the transparency level set to?  Menus pane, what's 
> the transparency level set to?
> Sorry for prying into your personal life, I'm just nosy.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-05-30, at 9:52 PM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey that's kind of personal Tim. Kidding.
>> keyboard focus follows VO cursor Checked, Vo cursor follows keyboard focus 
>> checked, insertion point follows VO cursor checked, VO cursor follows 
>> insertion point checked, mouse pointer follows VO, allow cursor wrapping 
>> unchecked, skip redundant labels unchecked, automatically interact when 
>> using tab key checked, enable fast searching unchecked,  
>> On May 30, 2013, at 10:37 PM, Tim Kilburn <kilbur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Brian,
>>> In your VO Utility, in the Navigation category, tell me what is checked and 
>>> not checked please.
>>> Later...
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On 2013-05-30, at 6:46 PM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hey Tim, Interesting, actually we were talking about the same thing, I 
>>>> meant with the trackpad commander turned off not VO. Anyway, this is 
>>>> interesting as when I do a VO F3 on the desktop I get the folder is under 
>>>> VO cursor, when I do a VO F4I get the folder is under the ,keyboard focus, 
>>>> , but when I do the VO F5
>>>> On the desktop, I get a ding, if I press VO F5 again I do get the inches 
>>>> of where the mouse must be, but it doesn't read me the same folder name it 
>>>> does for the F3 and F4, so I am assuming that something must be blocking 
>>>> it? Any ideas, but I am guessing this is also what is causing the problem 
>>>> with removing the folder from favorites, although I do get VO F3 F4 and F5 
>>>> to all match up when I go onto the folder I want to remove in favorites. I 
>>>> hope I explained this all ok, thanks for all of your help and continuing 
>>>> to investigate. May 30, 2013, at 6:49 PM, Tim Kilburn 
>>>> <kilbur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Brian,
>>>>> Oops, sorry for not being entirely clear.  VO needs to be on but the 
>>>>> trackpad commander should be turned off.  Yes, you are correct, when 
>>>>> doing all this Dragging and Dropping stuff that we've been fighting with, 
>>>>> the trackpad commander DOES need to be turned off.  So, with VO on, the 
>>>>> trackpad commander off, move with VO to some item on your Desktop, make 
>>>>> sure that mouse focus is on that item as well, then use the trackpad to 
>>>>> do a double-click the trackpad like a sighted person would.  Not the 
>>>>> double-tap like VO users use when using the trackpad commander or on an 
>>>>> iOS device, an actual double-click.
>>>>> Let me know what things do.  thanks for your help.
>>>>> Later...
>>>>> Tim Kilburn
>>>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>>>> On 2013-05-30, at 4:40 PM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hey Tim,
>>>>>> I hope I was doing what you wanted me to check, as when I moved around 
>>>>>> the desktop I had VO on the trackpad turned on. Was it also supposed to 
>>>>>> be off, as when I try and move the mailbox out of favorites I thought VO 
>>>>>> on the trackpad had to be off. Moving around the desktop and double 
>>>>>> tapping on a folder opens the folder just fine, no mention of the Apple 
>>>>>> menu like when trying to remove the mailbox out of favorites. Thanks.
>>>>>> On May 30, 2013, at 5:10 PM, Tim Kilburn <kilbur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Brian,
>>>>>>> How does the trackpad behave when not in Mail?  Try going to the 
>>>>>>> Finder, navigating to something located on your Desktop, make sure that 
>>>>>>> the mouse pointer is at the VO-Cursor location with VO-cmd-f5 then 
>>>>>>> double-click on your trackpad.  Does it open the selected item or does 
>>>>>>> it do the Apple menu thing there to?
>>>>>>> Later...
>>>>>>> Tim Kilburn
>>>>>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>>>>>> On 2013-05-30, at 8:44 AM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hey Tim,
>>>>>>>> I did have safari open in the background. I have shut it quit mail, 
>>>>>>>> and toggled VO off and on, then relaunched mail, but even with safari 
>>>>>>>> closed can't seem to get the mouse down to remove the mailbox and the 
>>>>>>>> trackpad still seems to want to open the Apple menu. I am thinking it 
>>>>>>>> is somehow focusing on the Apple menu on the top of that menu bar that 
>>>>>>>> runs across mail. Thanks for all of your continued efforts, and I will 
>>>>>>>> continue plugging away here seeing if I can get it to work. Thanks 
>>>>>>>> again.
>>>>>>>> On May 29, 2013, at 11:30 PM, Tim Kilburn <kilbur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Brian,
>>>>>>>>> By any chance, do you have Safari open behind Mail?  The only time 
>>>>>>>>> that I've had VO bringing up that Apple menu thing was when focus 
>>>>>>>>> supposedly was somewhere on a web-page and VO wasn't tracking very 
>>>>>>>>> cooperatively.  If not, let me know and I'll keep testing to see if I 
>>>>>>>>> can duplicate this in Mail for you.
>>>>>>>>> Later...
>>>>>>>>> Tim Kilburn
>>>>>>>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>>>>>>>> On 2013-05-29, at 8:15 AM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hey Thought you might be on to something about drafts, but I just 
>>>>>>>>>> cleared the folder out so there ar eno messages, and am still 
>>>>>>>>>> getting the same issues when I do the mouse down it opens some Apple 
>>>>>>>>>> menu and of course I can't even scroll through whatever Apple menu 
>>>>>>>>>> it is opening, so unfortunately that didn't do the trick. Thanks for 
>>>>>>>>>> the suggestion.
>>>>>>>>>> On May 29, 2013, at 9:52 AM, Red.Falcon 
>>>>>>>>>> <velocity.focu...@virginmedia.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Brian!
>>>>>>>>>>> I've been following this thread!
>>>>>>>>>>> I've not done any of this myself but was wondering because you've 
>>>>>>>>>>> mentioned drafts!
>>>>>>>>>>> That mailbox can appear and disappear so would it make a difference 
>>>>>>>>>>> if you have a drafted message in the box then tried to move it!
>>>>>>>>>>> Only guessing!
>>>>>>>>>>> Colin
>>>>>>>>>>> On 29 May 2013, at 13:58, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey guys,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Must be some kind of a VO issue on my machine, as I followed all 
>>>>>>>>>>>> of your steps exactly from the F5 and sure enough the drafts 
>>>>>>>>>>>> mailbox was under the VO cursor the entire time. I also checked my 
>>>>>>>>>>>> settings per Tim's email and my navigation was properly set up per 
>>>>>>>>>>>> his suggestions. I am still getting an Apple menu to pop open when 
>>>>>>>>>>>> I push down on the trackpad over the drafts mailbox when trying to 
>>>>>>>>>>>> remove it from the favorites bar. I also tried using the VO 
>>>>>>>>>>>> command shift space bar but this jumps me in to the messages pane 
>>>>>>>>>>>> of the drafts folder, which is weird since I used that same 
>>>>>>>>>>>> command to remove the other mailbox successfully that I wanted out 
>>>>>>>>>>>> of favorites. So it is strange that the same command will not work 
>>>>>>>>>>>> a second time, but nothing ever shocks me when it comes to 
>>>>>>>>>>>> voiceover. So strange, and its not the end of the world if the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> drafts mailbox stays in the favorites, but obviously would be nice 
>>>>>>>>>>>> to get it out of there. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> And yes, Tim I had toggled VO off and on several times previous to 
>>>>>>>>>>>> your suggestion, as I usually find VO needs to reboot itself at 
>>>>>>>>>>>> least once a day for some reason some times.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks again, and please do let me know if you think of anything 
>>>>>>>>>>>> else.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On May 28, 2013, at 11:21 PM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mr.nicholas.pars...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> HI,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re getting rid of favourites:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   •       Do not use the VO-shift-space keystroke. As Tim said-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   1.      Navigate to the mailbox you wish to remove;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   2.      Make sure your TrackPad commander is off by holding 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> down the VO keys and rotating two fingers counter clockwise on 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the TrackPad;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   3.      Use VO-command-F5 to rout the mouse pointer to the VO 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> curser;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   4.      Press VO-F5 to check that the mouse curser is on the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> mailbox you wish to remove;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   5.      If it's not, repeat steps 3 and 4 until it is;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   6.      Press the TrackPad down into the click position and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hold it, then drag one finger from the top of the TrackPad to the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> bottom and then release the TrackPad entirely.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   7.      You should here a swooshing sound indicating that the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> mailbox is no longer in your favourites bar. If you don't, repeat 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> steps 1 through 7.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re the checkboxes in favourites bar, these simply display the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> relevant mailbox. They should really be radio buttons instead of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> checkboxes, as only one can be active/checked at the one time. So 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> when you press command-3, for example, the third mailbox will 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> become checked and active. If you then navigate to the favourites 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> bar and check the fourth mailbox, the view will change and your 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fourth mailbox will become active and in view. This is how you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> can still use the favourites bar even with more than 9 mailboxes. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The first nine you can navigate to with keystrokes, the rest you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to check manually.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nic
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