Same here with regards to male voices rather than female, though I have no
major issues with Samantha. Can someone post how to download and install the
realspeak voices for the mac?

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Daniel McGee
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 08:26
Subject: Re: what Voiceover bugs people want or are hoping will be fixed or
squashed in Mountain Lion?

Interesting, because I'm the opposite. I would rather use eloquence and I
would rather use male voices than female. I guess it all comes down to
personal taste in the end. 

On 3 Jul 2012, at 14:47, Missy Hoppe wrote:

> While I agree 100 percent that Eloquence is the only speech that is 
> efficient enough to actually get things done with, I've never been 
> particularly fond of it. Not sure that makes sense given that I've 
> used Glen more or less exclusively for the past
> 12 years or so, but on the whole, I think Eloquence is seriously 
> over-rated. True, it's the only thing I use on the PC side, but that's 
> out of necessity, not because I find it pleasant or anything. I don't 
> use the RealSpeak voices on the mac either, though. I even bought the 
> acapella voices, but still find myself only using Alex as a general 
> rule. So, while I can see both sides of the coin on the eloquence 
> thing, it's nothing I'd get all excited about if Apple ever incorporated
it. In most cases, Alex is responsive enough for my needs on the mac. I'd
love to see a female equivelent of Alex, though. Alice, perhaps? It's just
that when it comes to those higher quality voices, I find the female ones
slightly easier to understand in most cases.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Daniel McGee
> Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 9:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: what Voiceover bugs people want or are hoping will be fixed
or squashed in Mountain Lion?
> eloquence 100% is for me. If I had this, then I wouldn't be using 
> windows anymore there's something about the voice that I can listen to 
> it and I don't get tired of it. I have a hearing impairment and find 
> it is more clear understandable in words than these silly nuance 
> voices. I don't want that to be offending to anyone who uses the nuance
real speak voices but for me, I just don't understand them clearly, to slow
no matter how much I speed them up I can't understand them when they are
really fast anyway and lastly too slow even when I can follow them.
> Ohand caps lock gets my vote too.
> If the day comes where Apple have eloquence added to the list of VO 
> voices, will be the day where I differently upgrade my OS!
> How do others feel about eloquence being added?
> You got me started on this one! LOL
> Daniel
> On 3 Jul 2012, at 12:47, Chris Moore wrote:
>> I guess that makes sense.  I suppose that is the charm of VO, it can be
used in so many different ways.
>> If I am using my iMac, then I tend to use the numeric keypad., and if 
>> I am using my iOS devices I use quick nav via a
> bluetooth keyboard, and when using my Macbook I use the track pad.
>> Caps lock gets my vote too then if anyone at Apple is listening.
>> HOw about built in OCR anyone? or would anyone like to see eloquence
added to the voice list too?
>> Chris
>> On 3 Jul 2012, at 12:18, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>>> I prefer not to have to take my fingers off the home keys. It is not 
>>> so much with the arrow keys that I would want to use
> the caps lock key but with the other vo commands. I can't help think 
> that the caps lock key is a complete waste of prime keyboard 
> real-estate, if you know what I mean. It is much more efficient to my 
> way of thinking to just move your little finger to the caps lock key as
compared to either removing your left or right hand from it's home keys to
press the current VO modifiers.
>>> Garth
>>> On 03/07/2012, at 8:39 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>>> Well with any luck Apple may head in this direction, as they appear 
>>>> to have got the message with iOS 6 that zoom and
> voice over at the same time would be beneficial.  If it was improved 
> and there were better contrast colour schemes, I may consider using it 
> myself.  I sometimes fire up ZoomText on my work PC when using JAWS to
sometimes find that button within a web page that JAWS can't see or a dialog
window that JAWS refuses to read.
>>>> So where would you see using the caps lock over using quick nav?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Chris
>>>> On 3 Jul 2012, at 10:31, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>>>>> There are a few bugs when zoomed to high levels, i.e., more than 
>>>>> 14X or so. If you have VO running and zoom set to
> follow the keyboard focus you will find that the command tab to switch 
> between apps becomes unreliable and navigating the menu bar with the 
> arrow keys is also unreliable. Also I don't like the way it tracks and 
> works with reading text. I'd like better colour options and keyboard 
> commands to adjust them, or at least for the invert brightness 
> keyboard command not to conflict with a Voice Over command. You would 
> think that Apple would be able to sort out keyboard command conflicts
between two of their own accessibility utilities. I am sure there are work
arounds for some of these but a work around isn't the same as fixing the
problem. For example the menu navigation issue I mentioned does not occur if
you use swipes on the trackpad with trackpad commander to navigate the menu.
It only happens with the arrow keys - strange but there you are.
>>>>> If I used it regularly I would probably come across more of the 
>>>>> issues. It really doesn't seem to me that apple intended
> the two utilities to work together or at least that this was an edge 
> case. It would seem to me that they expected people to use either option
exclusively and if so, they are probably right. Most people probably do use
one or the other.
>>>>> I'd also love to see the safari busy issue buried deep.
>>>>> The addition of the ability to set the caps lock key to act as the VO
modifier would also be great.
>>>>> Garth
>>>>> On 03/07/2012, at 6:48 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>>>>> What improvements would you like fixed in particular when it comes to
>>>>>> On 3 Jul 2012, at 09:44, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>>>>>>> I'd love to see some improvements to the way VO works with Zoom 
>>>>>>> and just some improvements to Zoom in general. I
> mostly don't use Zoom on my Mac but this only because it is so poor 
> when compared to things like ZoomText in the windows world. It is 
> probably great if you don't need to use Voice Over or if you only need a
little enlargement but it falls completely short for me.
>>>>>>> Garth
>>>>>>> On 03/07/2012, at 6:26 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>>>>>>> Riccardo,
>>>>>>>> Actually that is what I was hinting at to be honest, as i feel 
>>>>>>>> the method of selecting text within Safari is rather
> sloppy.  You can also navigate by line within iOS, so hoped that 
> feature would come across to OS X.  Navigating by line is also useful 
> when trying to read pages that have been styled into columns via CSS
instead of a table.  This can be done in JAWS quite nicely.
>>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>>> On 3 Jul 2012, at 00:11, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> I doubt you will see the reading by line with the down arrow.  
>>>>>>>>> That would radically change the way VO navigates the
> web, and I'm not sure it would be for the better.  It would be selecting
text easier though.
>>>>>>>>> Ricardo Walker
>>>>>>>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>>>>>>>> On Jul 2, 2012, at 6:37 PM, Chris Moore
<> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hmmm I remember a while back putting a list of 15 
>>>>>>>>>> improvements.  I can't remember them all now, so perhaps I 
>>>>>>>>>> have
> just learnt to live without them.  I did report them to Apple though as
bugs and feature enhancements.
>>>>>>>>>> The VoiceOver busy is the biggest annoyance which is caused by
the pathetic slow buffering system voice over uses.
> So I would like to see that rewritten from the ground up.  There are a 
> few random performance bugs that happen now and then which require me to
switch voice over off then back on again.  So overall performance could do
with being improved.
>>>>>>>>>> I would also like to know what web page I am looking at when 
>>>>>>>>>> switching between tabs, being told that is an HTML
> page is not exactly helpful.  I would also like to navigate line by 
> line just by pressing the down arrow or up key.  VO still needs a bit 
> of work when reporting how many HMTL  elements are on a web page, some
windows screen readers seem to find more tables and headings than VO,
especially in the buggy rotor.
>>>>>>>>>> I would like the ability to edit form fields in a PDF with 
>>>>>>>>>> Preview, but I believe this is coming in the next
> Mountain Lion release (according to Apple's website).
>>>>>>>>>> I would appreciate MIDI event editing in GarageBand, and a 
>>>>>>>>>> huge update to iWork.  There just is not enough
> accessible productive software on the Mac.  There is more to using a Mac
than just Skype and Mail surely?
>>>>>>>>>> Not sure if that bug still exists when using the real speak 
>>>>>>>>>> voices where the pitch used to shift up and down
> randomly.  I stopped using those voices as it became too annoying.
>>>>>>>>>> I would also like the ability to edit voice over's 
>>>>>>>>>> dictionary.  For example if you type third as in the number 3
> followed by the letters r and d, you get 3rd (three road), surely this 
> should be a third?  So I think the ability to edit some of VO's 
> assumptions would be nice, or maybe VO should grow up and become a tad
more intelligent.  I would like more control over how VO reads out numbers
>>>>>>>>>> Maybe developers should also be given the option to name what 
>>>>>>>>>> VO calls an HTML area, as something else?  For
> example when using adium the chat window is called an HTML area, am 
> sure a chat window or conversation window would be more meaningful.
>>>>>>>>>> Last but not least, I find VO a bit slow when first entering the
iTunes store.  The page takes a while to render.
> Well actually visually it does not, but VO seems to think it does.  
> Actually come to mention it when VO says something is busy, a sighted
person can still move the mouse and perform the action they require, it is
just VO's buffer which is busy.
>>>>>>>>>> I spotted another bug today too.  When ordering a smart case 
>>>>>>>>>> for my iPad, VO was unable to read out the colour
> options.  When trying to select a colour, VO simply said "space radio 
> button" for each of the 6 colours.  The work around seemed to be 
> select a colour, go back to the top of the screen and read out the 
> description to see if the default green had changed.  Or look in the
basket and hope to god you have not selected pink.  I eventually performed
this task via the Apple Store app on my iPhone which performed perfectly.
>>>>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>>>>> On 2 Jul 2012, at 19:16, Daniel McGee wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all, a while ago on this list I saw someone mention that 
>>>>>>>>>>> they would like so and so bug to be fixed in Mountain
> Lion.
>>>>>>>>>>> I would just really like to start a discussion on if there 
>>>>>>>>>>> are not many enhancements to Voiceover in the next OS,
> then what bugs would you like fixed and hope Apple has done there job with
>>>>>>>>>>> I'll go 1st.
>>>>>>>>>>> For me its safari. two things for me.
>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Now and then when I go back a page with CMD left bracket 
>>>>>>>>>>> Voiceover doesn't announce my list of headings or
> links that I have set in VO utility.
>>>>>>>>>>> 2. continuing this previous page thing, because I don't 
>>>>>>>>>>> always know when the page is fully loaded when going back,
> I get the lovely "Voiceover Busy!" Not!
>>>>>>>>>>> This is using Lion V7.4 and Safari 5.1.7
>>>>>>>>>>> So what are yours?
>>>>>>>>>>> I hope this will become an interesting topic because I'm 
>>>>>>>>>>> interested to see what people can come up with and I'm
> sure there will be some good ones!
>>>>>>>>>>> So everyone, the dance floor is yours! LOL
>>>>>>>>>>> Daniel
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