On Tue, Jul 06, 1999 at 11:06:39AM +0200, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

> Actually Lyx-Code is something we want to get rid of in the future,
> but when we do it, it will be done transparent to users. We will
> probably use some kind of varbatim environment instead.

Sounds okay...

> | \flushright{Name of university\\Name of faculty}
> | 
> | It basically looks okay, but the two lines are not evenly aligned! That is,
> | they´re not right-justified correctly (one of the lines is off by about the
> | width of a single character).
> | What might be wrong with that?
> This sounds like a spurious space, but I could be wrong.

Yes, that´s what I also thought. But I double-checked to make sure there is no
space... I really don´t know what´s wrong.


Quote of the month:
"The parade that´s electrical, it serves no real purpose
 Takes up a lot of juice, just to impress us."
        (No Doubt, "Tragic Kingdom")

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