>> Date: Mon, 5 Jul 1999 12:53:16 +0200
>> From: Manuel Hossfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Many questions (mostly layout)


>> - My thesis also includes a lot of source code. Most of it will be printed in 
>> appendix. The way I´ve done this so far more or less works, but isn´t 
>> satisfying: I did "include textfile/ as lines" on each of my source files. 
>> I changed the font to courier to have it "monospaced" and made it a bit 
>> Finally, I´m trying to render every comment in the code in italics to set it
>> apart. (Since the comments are actually the important thing to understand the
>> code). Is there a way to automate this whole process? I already noticed there 
>> a "program" package for LaTeX, but it doesn´t look as if it could do the job.
>> IMHO what´s missing is a "search and replace for formatting", so that I could 
>> "search everything after a // and between /* and */ and set it to 


>> Regards,
>> Manuel

This not really a Lyx answer, but...
You could also have a look at the lgrind package, available on CTAN archive,
which allows to pretty-print code (emphasized comments, bold keywords, ..)
Needs preamble inserts and includes in TeX mode however.
Can be used standalone (i.e. generates the pages separately) but of course
the headings and page numbering are lost.



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