Hi everybody,
Iīm currently writing my thesis with Lyx and so far, it served me well. (To be
more precise Iīm actually using Klyx - I hope this doesnīt matter).
However, there are some things I have to iron out before I finally finish the
paper to submit it this thursday.
One last thing as a warning: I know quite little of LaTeX, so please bear with
me if I sometimes seem ignorant...
On to the questions:
- A quite general one to begin with: Iīm using the "report" document class for
my thesis. Fortunately, there arenīt any fixed guidelines on how a thesis has to
look like in our faculty, but Iīm still a bit unsure if I made the right choice.
(Or if itīs at least sensible). I also tried "book", but that looks like it has
a bit too much of free space on the pagesī borders.
I think "report" looks okay, but just out of curiosity:
What did other people on this list having written a thesis with Lyx use?
Iīd especially appreciate comments from german readers.
- My thesis also includes a lot of source code. Most of it will be printed in an
appendix. The way Iīve done this so far more or less works, but isnīt completely
satisfying: I did "include textfile/ as lines" on each of my source files. Then,
I changed the font to courier to have it "monospaced" and made it a bit smaller.
Finally, Iīm trying to render every comment in the code in italics to set it
apart. (Since the comments are actually the important thing to understand the
code). Is there a way to automate this whole process? I already noticed there is
a "program" package for LaTeX, but it doesnīt look as if it could do the job.
IMHO whatīs missing is a "search and replace for formatting", so that I could do
"search everything after a // and between /* and */ and set it to īemphasizeī"
- Some (smaller) parts of the code are also featured and described somewhere in
the "normal" text. Is there a way to set them optically apart? A "code float",
maybe? I tried "algorithm float", but it didnīt work (gives an error about
"undefined..." and wonīt probably do it anyway, since the caption would then read
"algorithm", which isnīt true).
- Iīm using "fancy headers". I managed to set it up in a way which shows the
chapter and section alternating on odd and even pagesī headers. However, this
doesnīt work everywhere in the document. There are some page headers (even in
the middle of a chapter) left empty (i.e. not completely empty, the header rule
is there). Hereīs whatīs in my LaTeX preamble:
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\thechapter\ #1}{}}
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}
\cfoot{\thepage\ / \pageref{LastPage}}
\cfoot{\thepage\ / \pageref{LastPage}}
I hacked this together after browsing the fancy header documentation (and
possibly some other source which I forgot), but I admit that I donīt fully
understand it.
So, how can I improve it to show the headers correctly every time?
- The title page:
Iīm not satisfied with how it looks like. How would I go for a more "form-like",
fixed layout. There is a sample title page from our faculty which looks
approximately like this: (of course with more free space in between the various
[Logo] Name and place of university
Subject: ...
Student: ... (this also has to include a number)
Supervising Professor(s): ...
Submitted on: ...
I know that LyX isnīt WYSIWYG, but somehow this has to be possible, hasnīt it?
(Iīm assuming this because Iīve already seen the "letter" class, it seems to have
fixed and predefine positions for various elements also...)
Additionally, Iīd like to put a small "dedication" paragraph on the page after
the title page (and before the TOC), possibly set in a smaller font and placed in the
last third of
the page. Of course I could force this using many many hard linebreaks and a
page break after the paragraph. But thereīs got to be another way...
- Sorting:
I have two appendices Iīd like to sort: A glossary and a list of abbreviations.
Both are done using the "list" environment. Is there a possibility to sort them
- Last question: Entries in TOC.
I know this is a FAQ, and I already looked in the list archive. But still I
donīt know exactly how to make sure that all the chapters, the bibliography, the list
of figures
(tables etc.) and the appendices appear in the TOC (in the order mentioned).
So far, Iīm missing the bibliography and the various lists.
Somewhere in the archive I found:
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline {}Bibliography}
I guess this will somehow do it.
Unfortunately, I donīt know WHERE to put this... In the Latex preamble? At the
beginning or end of the TOC box? Or even somewhere else...?
Okay, thatīs it for now. Sorry for the long post.
Many thanks in advance for patience in reading this, Iīm looking forward to
your answers.
Quote of the month:
"The parade thatīs electrical, it serves no real purpose
Takes up a lot of juice, just to impress us."
(No Doubt, "Tragic Kingdom")