Hi Jean-Pierre,

> This not really a Lyx answer, but...
> You could also have a look at the lgrind package, available on CTAN archive,
> which allows to pretty-print code (emphasized comments, bold keywords, ..)
> Needs preamble inserts and includes in TeX mode however.

I already downloaded and installed it, and indeed it looks very promising.
One problem I noticed at first sight, though, is that I have some very long
lines in my source code (yes, I know, it´s a bad habit and should be fixed
anyway). Unfortunately, these lines "break" the layout lgrind creates (i.e. the
lines just run out of the page, there are no linebreaks inserted).
Additionally, I´d have to create my own language definition to use this tool
properly: PHP, the language I´m using, isn´t in the definition file yet. That´s
not too bad, since its very similar to Java, C and Perl - so I might reuse the
definitions for these.
Well, maybe I can devote some time to get this to work properly. If not, I´ll
at least use it on the next occasion where I may have to typeset source code.

Many thanks for the hint, anyway.

> Can be used standalone (i.e. generates the pages separately) but of course
> the headings and page numbering are lost.

In my case that´s not acceptable, I´d have to use the "include" feature of


Quote of the month:
"The parade that´s electrical, it serves no real purpose
 Takes up a lot of juice, just to impress us."
        (No Doubt, "Tragic Kingdom")

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