Manuel Hossfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > Unfortunately you are not allowed to create new types of float for
| > inside LyX. To do something like that you have to use LaTeX (ert)
| > directly.
| What is "ert"? A package?
ERT is a nickname we have for the "Evil Red Text" you get when
including latex code directly into the LyX document. There exists
latex packages for making new kinds of floats, but lyx has no support
for them yet.
| Anyway (thanks to a hint from Ingo Kloecker), I´m now using the "Lyx-Code"
| environment for those small code pieces. (I think it should be pointed out
| somewhere that "Lyx-Code" is actually for source code - I always thought it was
| something similar to the "Latex" Environment..., i.e. something that does
| anything to the document "internally")
Actually Lyx-Code is something we want to get rid of in the future,
but when we do it, it will be done transparent to users. We will
probably use some kind of varbatim environment instead.
| > Your best option here is probably to manually create the titlepage in
| > a in a latex section in your document:
| >
| > \begin{titlepage}
| > ...your stuff
| > \end{titlepage}
| That´s a good hint, and I already tried this. However,I stumbled upon something
| strange: I used the example you sent with your mail and added another element to
| the title page, approximately like this:
| \flushright{Name of university\\Name of faculty}
| It basically looks okay, but the two lines are not evenly aligned! That is,
| they´re not right-justified correctly (one of the lines is off by about the
| width of a single character).
| What might be wrong with that?
This sounds like a spurious space, but I could be wrong.