Hi Lars,
thanks for your reply!
> When you want to do markup on your code you can not do it the easy
> way, using "Insert File...", unless you do the markup in the external
> file. (btw this is usually the best choice, but it might be too much
> work before thursday.)
I agree...
> One note is also that programming code also
> looks good on paper using a proportional font.
Mmh, this is something I didn´t consider - I will test it and see how it looks
> Unfortunately you are not allowed to create new types of float for
> inside LyX. To do something like that you have to use LaTeX (ert)
> directly.
What is "ert"? A package?
Anyway (thanks to a hint from Ingo Kloecker), I´m now using the "Lyx-Code"
environment for those small code pieces. (I think it should be pointed out
somewhere that "Lyx-Code" is actually for source code - I always thought it was
something similar to the "Latex" Environment..., i.e. something that does
anything to the document "internally")
> Your best option here is probably to manually create the titlepage in
> a in a latex section in your document:
> \begin{titlepage}
> ...your stuff
> \end{titlepage}
That´s a good hint, and I already tried this. However,I stumbled upon something
strange: I used the example you sent with your mail and added another element to
the title page, approximately like this:
\flushright{Name of university\\Name of faculty}
It basically looks okay, but the two lines are not evenly aligned! That is,
they´re not right-justified correctly (one of the lines is off by about the
width of a single character).
What might be wrong with that?
> | - Sorting:
> | I have two appendices I´d like to sort: A glossary and a list of abbreviations.
> | Both are done using the "list" environment. Is there a possibility to sort them
> | alphabetically?
> This can be hard. You have to do this manually or using scripts
> directly on the .lyx file.
Okay... that´s what I feared. <sigh> Well, I think I´ll do it manually - the
lists aren´t too long, fortunately.
> | \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline {}Bibliography}
> | I guess this will somehow do it.
> | Unfortunately, I don´t know WHERE to put this... In the Latex preamble? At the
> | beginning or end of the TOC box? Or even somewhere else...?
> Just beside (before or after) the chapter/section you want to put into
> the toc.
Ah, thanks. That did it!
> I have appended a small file showing some of this.
Thank you very much! I really appreciate it...