Whoops, sorry, missed an 'a' out, needed to give the tie:

\relative c''' << 
{ s1 | 

\once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 2 

b1~ | b2 cis | } 


{ a1~ | <a a,>2 <g g,>4 <fis fis,> | <g g,>1 }


{ \voiceTwo r2 a,~ | a }



----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Trevor Daniels 
  To: Frederick Bartlett ; LilyPond Users 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 11:25 PM
  Subject: Re: Overlapping ties in different voices

  Hi Fred

  Here's the way I'd do it (if I've interpreted what you wanted correctly):

  \relative c''' << 
    { s1 | 

      \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 2 

      b1~ | b2 cis | } 


    { a1~ | <a a,>2 <g g,>4 <fis fis,> | <g g,>1 }


    { \voiceTwo r2 a,~ | }



    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Frederick Bartlett 
    To: LilyPond Users 
    Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 8:57 PM
    Subject: Overlapping ties in different voices


    I'm trying to set selection from Saint-Saën's Oratorio de Noël for my choir.
    In the Gloria in altissimis (p9 in the IMSLP PDFs), I found an odd 
combination of ties:

    \relative c''' {
      << {           s1      | b1 ~                  | b2 cis  } \\
         {           a1 ~    | a2 s2                 | s1      } \\
         { \voiceTwo r2 a, ~ | a <g' g,>4 <fis fis,> | <g g,>1 }

    This peculiar mess is almost right; I just need to figure out how to keep 
the b and a on the first beat of the second measure from colliding -- but no 
combination of \shiftOxxx and \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift that I've 
tried has answered the case. Leaving the \voiceTwo command out prevents the 
collision -- but at the cost of getting many other things wrong.

    To match the 19th-century original, the b should be shifted a notehead's 
width right.




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