Am 07.10.2014 um 22:36 schrieb Abraham Lee:
On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 1:57 PM, Frederick Bartlett <> wrote:

I'm trying to set selection from Saint-Saën's Oratorio de Noël for my choir. In the Gloria in altissimis (p9 in the IMSLP PDFs), I found an odd combination of ties:
\relative c''' {
  << { s1      | b1 ~                  | b2 cis  } \\
     { a1 ~    | a2 s2                 | s1      } \\
     { \voiceTwo r2 a, ~ | a <g' g,>4 <fis fis,> | <g g,>1 }
This peculiar mess is almost right; I just need to figure out how to keep the b and a on the first beat of the second measure from colliding -- but no combination of \shiftOxxx and \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift that I've tried has answered the case. Leaving the \voiceTwo command out prevents the collision -- but at the cost of getting many other things wrong.

To match the 19th-century original, the b should be shifted a notehead's width right.



I couldn't find this on pg 9, at least on in the Gloria in altissimis section which looked like it was on page 8, and the part that did look like this didn't have the lower notes in it. Did you add those?
I forgot to say that, Fred: you should’ve told us which IMSLP score you mean: it is the vocal score in the french edition, and the page number is the one on print, not that of the .pdf. Even better would have been sending a small image as message attachment :-)
Yours, Simon
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